3.5hr all in one Instagram Growth Course for busy entrepreneurs & creators.

Learn exactly what to do, and what to avoid, so you can finally get the step-by-step path to more:


Ideal for those who LOVE structure, rules and fixed systems to follow, without getting lost.

*Registrations can close anytime! Don’t miss out.

Ready To Grow on Instagram?

Watch this 5 min video to clear all your doubts

Finally, a practical course that's:​

❌ NOT about using trending audios or little superstitious hacks-

✅ But is in fact about logical steps explained through PROOF and facts.

❌ NOT focused on just Influencers, Coaches, Consultants- 

✅ But is in fact planned keeping Small Business Owners in mind

❌ NOT promising you shortcuts or teaching you useless features

✅ But is in fact giving you an indepth explanation into the 27 main aspects of growing on Instagram.

Free snippet from inside the Course

Course Contents

Click each dropdown arrow to see the full syllabus.

  1. Algorithm– What is Algorithm? How does it work? How to make the Instagram Algorithm work in your favour? Important update made to Instagram Algorithm in May 2024 which is changing how accounts are getting discovered- Learn how this affects you if you are a big account versus a small one.
  2. Getting Discovered– The 5 possible places where Instagram shows your page
  3. Successful Instagram Profile- 4 Factors that make an Instagram profile & its content work in 2024
  4. Theory of Predicatability & Familiarity– The secret sauce behind the eternal success of shows like Friends, Masterchef, Kaun Banega Crorepati, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire- And how to apply it to your Instagram Profile
  5. Brand Consistency– What goes into Instagram branding aside from logo, fonts and colours
  6. Aesthetics– The 8 places on Instagram where you need to work on aesthetics, and my secret on how to make things look more beautiful
  7. Value– Common misunderstandings about ‘giving value’. The 5 types of Value to pick from. Do you always have to present yourself as a ‘coach’ or ‘free tips’ giver even if you are a product business that sells commodities like clothes, jewellery or shampoo?
  1. Audience Conversion Pattern– The 8-step process for a non-follower to convert to a follower after coming on your page.
  2. Profile Picture– Why it matters so much. How to make it follow-worthy, and immediately trustable. Logo V/S Profile Picture- What to choose?
  3. Handle / Username–  Find out if your current handle is inhibiting your reach & sales, and exactly what to do in order to fix it.
  4. Followers v/s Following– The hidden setting to turn on so that you keep getting followers from your competitors for free. Which accounts should you follow on Instagram, and how many? How to get more followers who are interested in your niche?
  5. Profile Grid Design– How to maintain a profile grid so it looks neat & tidy. What to put on the covers of each post? 
  6. Carousels– Do they help you grow? How many slides are optimum? How deep should the information provided be? Examples of content that always does well.
  7. Single Static Posts– The sizing error that most people make. Examples of content that always does well. Why your single posts don’t get reach right now.
  8. Reel Covers– What are reel covers? How do they help with getting more clicks? How to template out the entire process so that it reduces the time & effort taken for each new content piece. Learning about over-designing on Instagram.
  9. Hooks– What are hooks? The 8 proven Hook Formulas for any business- product, service, influencer- that you can use again & again. Where to get readymade researched hooks for FREE so that you don’t have to think of writing anything new. How to know what people are searching for. How to make your products & services more desirable & clickable, through the power of hooks. Exactly what words to write/speak in your reels, posts and captions so that they reach a larger audience.
  1. Mid-Course Question & Answer with previous alumni.
  2. Recap & Additional Insights into each sub part.
  1. Adding Text Within Reels– Is it important to write anything within the reel? What to write within reels? Proven examples from various niches- product, service, influencer.
  2. Storytelling, Visual Quality, Editing– What is storytelling? Do you need to give ‘tips’ if you are a product-based business? How to ensure you don’t get blurry reels? What settings to have in your camera & video editor? What editing apps do you need?
  3. Creating a Content Plan– What to post on Instagram? Do you need to post daily? Should you only talk about your products or also show your daily life? The ONE simple & secret formula to create content everyday without feeling lost or confused. Proven examples and analysis from others’ accounts.
  1. What to do Before & After Posting– Simple checklist to follow. The different places where you get engagement but don’t always know about. What to do if you aren’t getting enough comments or DMs to respond to.
  2. Hashtags– Should you use them? How many should you use? Can they be same across every post or do you need different hashtags each time? Where can you find them? How to know which hashtags are good for your business?
  3. Keywords– What are keywords? What is SEO? The only things you need to know as a business owner promoting your products/services on Instagram. Where to find keywords? How different are they from hashtags? Where to add keywords?
  4. Captions– How important are they? What to write? How long does it have to be? Can you copy-paste captions from ChatGPT or your Notes app? 
  5. Posting Time– How important is posting time? Where to find the right posting time? Can I post on different timings each day?
  1. Stories– Do people even watch Stories? How long should each Story be? Should you put more of videos, text or images in the Stories? How to use Stories to boost sales, increase overall engagement of your page, and increase trust amongst your audience.
  2. Title Line– The space in your Bio that most people neglect. How to use it, and how to boost your SEO rankings with it.
  3. Instagram Bio– How to write a follow-worthy Bio that instantly converts profile visitors to followers? How long should it be? What emojis should you use? Proven Bio template that you can use to rewrite your bio.
  4. Highlights– What are highlights and where do you find them? What is their purpose for your account? How to design them, and which app to use?
  5. Engagement– Why you aren’t getting any engagement now? Failproof ideas to boost engagement- Comments, DMs, Story responses, Polls & Quizzes? Why no one responds to your polls & quizzes now, and how to change this.
  6. Ads & Giveaways– Is it better to boost posts or run ads through Facebook? Should you do giveaways? Organic content strategy or paid ads- Which one to pick? Does running ads or boosting posts hurt your account?
  1. Final Round of Question & Answer.
  2. Extra Tips & Insights to get you started on your next chapter.

Finally! All FAQs and Indepth Learning about:

Algorithm | Hashtags | Keywords | Captions | Reels | Static Posts | Carousels | Stories | Insights | Reel Titles & Hooks | Recording, Editing & Exporting Hacks | Aesthetic Profile Grid | Bio | Profile Picture | Content Plan | Concepts & Ideas | Posting Time | Before & After Posting | Research & Competitor Analysis | Engagement Boost Techniques | Branding | Saves & Shares | Consistency | Viral Reels Analysis | Reel Covers…. and more.

What is this Course?

An intense Webinar-style Online Course to help you with Instagram growth, especially as a small business or a personal brand. 

A PRACTICAL INSTAGRAM CRASH COURSE with 27 Chapters focused on solving technical as well as creative confusions for people looking to make money from the platform- Either by selling products or services.

Includes lots of examples from common niches, for example- Home decor, Jewellery, Fashion, Baking, Makeup, Personal Care and more-

So you are never lost or confused again about how to grow on Instagram.

Finally move on from hearing generic advice like ‘you need to write hooks’, and come learn A to Z what you need to do and what you need to avoid, in order to grow your business on Instagram.

After attending this Crash Course, you WILL know what you are doing right and wrong, and create a strategy for your next chapter in Instagram Growth. 

You will now know how your competitors are getting views & sales, and what secret keys you are missing.

Understand why you have these problems and what to do about it:

  • No growth in followers even after posting good content everyday. Only attracting a few people who are fake accounts or not your right target.
  • No engagement even when you ask for comments, likes, saves, shares and votes on your polls.
  • No views even after following all the free hacks and trends.
  • Not being able to maintain consistency- Running out of motivation or not having ideas.
  • Not being able to post quality content- Not getting time to film/edit good content. Perhaps you are camera shy. Or like many others, you feel you don’t have the right team or equipment.
  • Too many unfollows, Instagram restrictions & spam comments even after spending time, money and energy to create amazing content.
  • Feeling left behind because you see everyone else with the secret key to Instagram growth that you don’t.
  • Burning money on ads and even then getting no good followers for longterm. Just some sales here & there.

Just a few of many answers you'll get:

  • How to work "with" the algorithm instead of trying magic tricks to hack it

  • Why people are not buying from you right now

  • How to make reel creation easier

  • What to post everyday

  • How to increase Reach to non-followers

  • How to increase Engagement- Saves, shares, comments, likes

  • How to make Fans of your current followers so they won't unfollow

… and 50 more

All good, but is it right for ME?

Insta Rule Book is best suited for anyone looking to take Instagram seriously and learn about its technicalities inside out. It is your encyclopedia to grow, and know why others in your niche are growing, but you aren’t. 

This course is ideal for you if:

✅ You are done trying free hacks & tips like a magic superstition, without understanding the ‘why’ logic behind.

✅ You like direct answers and a straightforward structured path to follow- Like a set of RULES & INSTRUCTIONS when playing a game.

✅ You have taken others’ courses in the past, but they were generic, full of idealistic impractical advice, and not designed for the busy business owner.

get unstuck & gain Instagram mastery

INSTA RULE BOOK- Master Course

The price includes:

  • 3.5hr of video recordings. Split into different parts, with immediate access to all. 
  • 1yr of access to the course content.
  • Certificate of completion- Upon request. No additional charges.
  • Alumni benefits- For any future products or services I launch.

Course only

Rs. 8150

≈ USD 97

*Any International Card

*Prices increasing soon! Don’t miss out.

Course + 1:1 Session

Rs. 14690

≈ USD 175


*Prices increasing soon! Don’t miss out.

Finally start seeing:

đŸ‘„ FOLLOWER GROWTH in your account

đŸ‘ïž HIGH VIEWS on your reels & stories + reaching non-followers

💬 COMMENTS, SHARES AND SAVES for your engagement

💾 MORE MONEY in your business- with clients from Instagram

What's unique from any other course?

  • Large amount of practical theory- ALL-IN-ONE CRASH COURSE
  • Implementable tips only, no idealistic approach
  • Best suited for people who want to sell something and seriously grow their business instead of just a following. Especially Product and/or Service Businesses.
  • Planned for people who love structure, instructions and rules.
  • I only share from experience & logic. I treat you as a serious business owner and personal brand creator instead of someone who ‘just wants to grow on Instagram’.
  • I am not teaching you how to edit videos or create Canva posts. I am teaching you the nitty gritty, the technical fundamentals, which most other coaches are unable to articulate. 
  • Not teaching you ‘7 steps to go viral on Instagram’, or ‘ABC Formula to earn a million dollars’. But in fact teaching you how Instagram works, and what made others big- So you can learn immediately- What to do v/s What to avoid.

Here's what Alumni are saying:

I have over 200 screenshots like this. Every now & then, students voluntarily send proof of the results they are getting because it’s so exciting for them! Something that seemed impossible & so far away, finally starts to be achieved after everything I teach in the Course.

Still thinking if this is for you?

Look, you can keep figuring it out with free tips from the internet- Or through cheap USD 10 / INR 850 courses- And still keep wondering why your account isn’t growing.

This is going to cost you years & years in time, and thousands of dollars in lost opportunities.  You’ll be stuck in a never-ending loop of trial & error, watching everyone else go ahead, and you staying back.

Or you can take my expert help from 8+ years of experience, and buy this course, to know what’s going wrong & what you are missing- To know what to do next.

When you make improvements your profile ONCE, everything else becomes more easy & quick- You get more clients, more followers and growing views everyday. Then it’s only about keeping the momentum up and unlocking the next milestone.

Look at the long term-

Save years of time, money and energy- And don’t overthink this. 

The price is very reasonable compared to what you get in return.

about me

Hi, I'm Aanvi

I’m an Instagram Marketing Coach & Sales Expert.

I’ve been growing Instagram accounts since 2016.

Originally from India, and based in Bali, Indonesia for many years.

I’m an ex-Industrial Designer with 8yr of experience in selling & marketing high-end products worth millions of dollars around the world, using Instagram as the main marketing channel.

I know what it takes to GROW & SELL, without looking desperate.

I went from 0 in October 2023, to 229 followers on 1st December (60 days later), to 33k on 29th January 2024 (another 60 days), and now at 87k (in under 9 months total) through the power combo of VIRAL REELS and stories.

What’s more?

I don’t just give tips & hacks for free. My followers are paying customers who love what they get from my courses & consultations. Many are repeats, and even recommend me to friends & family without commissions or bonuses!

That’s how I have grown my business organically- No ads yet.

You won’t believe it till you see it on your own account!

Come, let me help you get there.

See what people are saying after my 1:1 consultations:

See what people are saying after following my page & my tips:

I have over 1000 screenshots like this. We could go on all night!

It doesn’t even include the 3000+ comments across all my reels.

And the gazillion recreations of all my story & reel tutorials.

My phone gallery is FULL with heartwarming messages like these in my DMs and Review Forms. You can already see the potential you have here.

See the Viral Growth of my own Instagram account

I started this account only in October 2023.

I have posted ONE reel a day everyday and got these results, together with a monetized Instagram presence.

All possible because of my VIRAL CONTENT STRATEGY made with 8+ years of experience and thorough research on how to get authentic views AND clients!

learn how to get results like these

INSTA RULE BOOK- Online Course

The price includes:

  • 3.5hr of video recordings. Split into different parts, with immediate access to all. 
  • 1yr of access to the course content.
  • Certificate of completion- Upon request. No additional charges.
  • Alumni benefits- For any future products or services I launch.

Course only

Rs. 8150

≈ USD 97

*Any International Card

*Prices increasing soon! Don’t miss out.

Course + 1:1 Session

Rs. 14690

≈ USD 175


*Prices increasing soon! Don’t miss out.

Frequently Asked Questions

Both have similar content.

If you already bought the Weekend Webinar earlier, I don’t think you need to purchase this Course.

Insta Rule Book Online Course is full of advice based on years of experience analyzing accounts & building brands.

Many people who have taken it, have got excellent results either in terms of increase in followers, sales or both. 

Results however, are based on several factors beyond our control, and hence cannot be guaranteed.

If after applying you still don’t see results, probably there are steps you are not able to do right yet, or something crucial about your account that you’ve missed- For eg, you have bought followers in the past or been part of engagement chains.

You can book a 1:1 strategy session with me to understand further about mistakes like this and how to resolve them.

This Course is for you to understand the mistakes of your account and what to do next.

You need to take everything you have learnt and apply, in order to see results.

Great results are likely but there are no guarantees, predictions or refunds, as each account is different.

My office hours and session availability are 9am-4pm in the timezone GMT+8.

Many other coaches give outdated advice that’s not relevant in 2024.

Or they give generic advice, that’s not related to your issues and your niche.

Or they give advice based on superstitious unreasonable hacks that are not practically possible for a business owner.

MY advice is tailormade and comes from several years of working in international sales & marketing around the world.

I do a lot of homework before preparing any course, session or webinar to make sure every second is valuable, and results-focused.

If you have applied everything but still not seen results, please book a 1:1 session so I can personally assess your account and give feedback on the next steps.

Yes! You can ask me questions via Instagram DM or via email.

No, due to the digital and subjective nature of this purchase, there is no refund.

There are also no guarantees because results are dependent on several factors beyond our control.

Please read all the details carefully before purchasing.

The Course link is automatically sent to your email after paying.

Please ensure all fields, including your email spelling, are correct when you are making the payment.

If you have any issues receiving the link, please write to me on email or Instagram DM.

You can send me a DM or write an email if you have any questions. Details are in the contact page of this website.

The Course is in the format of several videos, that you can watch at your own pace.

The access is for upto 1 year.

You can use any device to watch them, without having to download any additional apps or softwares.

This Course is not personalized. My goal is to give you an indepth knowledge of how Instagram works.

However if you want personalized feedback, it is best to book the package with the 1:1 strategy session.

1. Intellectual Property Rights:

All content presented in the Course, including but not limited to slides, audio, video, and any other materials, are the intellectual property of Aanvi Social and its parent companies or its licensors and are protected by copyright laws and other intellectual property rights. Unauthorized distribution, reproduction, or sharing of the content is strictly prohibited and you will be sent a legal notice if you don’t oblige.

2. Use of Information:

Any information shared during the Course, whether by presenters or other participants, is one’s personal opinion and not a binding fact. Please do your own due diligence before implementing any suggested ideas.